Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Here they are

Here's my first attempt at the invites, and it was actually close enought that had I used the correct measurments (I seriously cannot do simple math), I could have used it for the actual invite.

Anyway, this is what the front will kinda look like. However, the little card will not be pink and tan. It should be tan and black and will be less squarish.

Here's the inside. The enclosures will also all be tan, and the pink backing will go all the way around the worded portion of it -- another example of my stellar math skills. The little pocketfold also has some pretty sweet scoring on it, which actually makes cutting the triangle a little easier.
Here's a close up of the wording, although it really isn't what we're using. It's got the places and times right (well, and the names -- who would have ever thought I'd willingly use Elizabeth?), but other than that, it was me blindly typing away at the computer -- and just trying to get three lines per "section" (the OCD has taken over on these things.).

I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. I've got 53 of the pocketfolds done, only about 100 more to go. Wee hoo.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:06 PM

    They look great! Congrats on your newly acquired M. Stewart skills. Next thing you know ... you'll be featured in her "Real Weddings" mag. :)
