Friday, June 06, 2008

Moving home

This used to be our wedding blog; now, it's going to record our exploits in Iowa, including the stress of building a home.

Had you asked me even two years ago if I would move back to Iowa, I would have told you to have your sanity levels tested. I didn't realize how homesick I was, though, until the boy suggested that we move back to Des Moines last December. We had planned to move somewhere in the U.S., but I had figured it was going to be somewhere I hadn't lived yet. I am glad that we're going though. It's time to go back to my nutty, little family.

Of course, in the past few weeks, I've been questioning the decision. I'm a little nervous because I'm unemployed right now -- although the unemployment rate in Iowa is only 3 percent. I'll find something, even if it is just subbing full-time this year. But, it still makes me nervous. But, when I find out I get to go to Parker's T-ball game the first weekend we're there, and when I hear that he was VERY upset and disappointed that Aunt Beth didn't come up this time with Uncle Jeremy, I know we're moving to the right place.

Besides, I can't tell these two they can't spend time together now:


  1. Hey hope it dries up before you get there. :)

  2. Anonymous12:16 PM


    We are so excited to hear you guys are moving to Iowa!! Best of luck with the move! Can't wait to see you again! Think about you always!

    Marti (Powell) Reed
