Sunday, January 30, 2011

Writing again ... and a bit whiny

It's Sunday. I like lazy Sundays. The past few have basically consisted of Jeremy and I sitting on the couch and reading. (We live on the edge, I know).

They spoiled me because that's not really an option today.

Unfortunately, I procrastinated to the last minute (not such a big surprise, really. I also claim that being a copy editor only exacerbated this horrible habit of mine because you get used to working under the gun) and now I have to bang out the methodology (how I did my classroom research) section of my research paper for my master's. It really isn't that bad. I just don't want to do it. I should be happy because this paper is the ONLY thing I have to do for this semester (my last!), and the entire paper (about 40 pages) will be done (minus editing/revising) by the end of February. Then, I'll spend the next month and a half fixing and tweaking. The good news is that I will have it sent off by April 13. So, I've only got a little more than 70 days left of this master's thing. :)

I also need to get groceries because Sunday is the shopping day. I hate getting groceries, but I like food.

I also have to work out today. I'm just too lazy to want to do that.

Luckily, I have a fantastic husband who offered to go grocery shopping. My paper is almost done (and it's not even noon!). I will leave to go run eventually.

The problem is I just want to get to work on the scads of baby presents that I need to get done. From last September until this June, I know 15 (FIFTEEN, wth?) people who had/will have a baby. It's getting ridiculous.

So, I'm now procrastinating some more by writing a blog. See, I'm really good at that...

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Right now, it is my planning period.

The weird thing, I don't have much to do. I'm caught up on grading; my plans are done for next week (and I've got a skeleton for the week after that); no administrative stuff needs to be done.

And yet, there are many things I could be doing.

I could be working on my master's project. This would means more time to do what I want when I'm surrounded by all of my stuff at home, when I have the freedom to do what I choose to do.

But yet, I'm not.

I need to have a specific environment to write - or at least write well. My desk and my classroom aren't it. I need noise -- and not the white noise from the classroom next door or the geese/birds outside. I need TV/radio. I need Sammy putting his wiggly beagle body between me and my laptop.

It's too still here. My thoughts will be jumbled, and I won't be doing quality writing.

Plus, it's morning. I do not make quality stuff before noon.

This makes me think about the parameters I put on my kids. They have to produce a product on demand. It may not be the best environment for them.

Heck, I never wrote in class when I was in high school. I made it look like I did, but I did all of my stuff from the comfort of my couch or my bean bag.

It just makes me think a little more...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Well, um.... no excuses

I always tell my students there is no excuse for being a slack ass. (OK, so I don't say slack ass, but I'm most likely thinking it.). And here I am being a slack ass. I'd rather not think about how long it has been since I've really blogged. I could list my normal excuses: school, work, sleep, sickness, having a life, the insane amount of baby knitting I have to do (7 by June. Only one of those is completed. Also: STOP procreating people!). But, it boils down to that I haven't made the time to do some type of writing, and I need to start making that a priority again.

I guess it doesn't help that I think I live a pretty mundane, uninteresting life. I read, work, sleep, run (which is just insane to think I do that), watch shitty TV, and knit.

Nothing exciting in that list.

But, then again, the popular memoirs are kinda about mundane things. They're just written funny. And I bring the funny. (As well as the punny, much to Jeremy's chagrin).

I also think that Twitter has possibly hindered my desire to blog. I basically say what I want over there, and all in 140 characters or less. That has seeped into my writing; my professor told me last semester that I have a lot of great quippy, short one-liners in my papers. I counted them. Yes, all 140 or less.

I'm cool like that.

So that's my 2 cents on my slack-assery.

I'm hoping it is a thing of the past.