Sunday, October 09, 2011

Running running

I ran my first official 5K yesterday.

I was a basketcase before I walked the half mile from my house up to the park. I had it in my head that I had no business in this race. Quite frankly, that was a little ridiculous to even think about. I typically run 2.5 to 3 miles three to four days a week. The route that the race was on went through my neighborhood and was very similar to what I typically run.

I'm not the fastest, but there's no reason to think I couldn't do it.

Once I got to the park, I was fine. But I was ready to start -- and that didn't happen until 15 minutes after the race was supposed to start. I now was just worried about starting off too fast, and I almost zipped around quite a few people but I reminded myself to not burn out too quickly.

But, I think I ended up starting off too slowly. I was about a minute off of where I really wanted to be. But, i did run the entire thing, and I passed a lot of people. Jeremy told me I had moved up from the back of the middle pack to close to the front. I did beat quite a few of the football team that ran it, and those who beat me, walked a good portion of it and sprinted at the end (where their coaches were stationed. Lazy butts).

So now I have a new goal to beat this time. I can do it, and we'll see where I end up in two weeks.

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