So, after I excitedly spent the day traipsing around town looking for the latest bridal magazine issues, I curled up with a few of them and made a great discovery.
I found the elusive bridesmaid dress.
I was really thinking about just picking a color, length and material and letting the girls just pick their own because I wanted them to wear something that would flatter each of their body shapes. But, I think this one will solve the problem.
It's not the champagne color I was looking for -- instead it's a pale pink. If anyone had ever told me I'd be picking a pale pink dress for my bridesmaids, I would have laughed. But I did. And, I think it will look beautiful on all of them.
At least it's not seafoam green with poofy sleeves:)
So, thanks so much for letting me know that you have a blog about the wedding. I am only your twin, you know :p Anyway, as I've said before, I love the bridesmaid dress. I look forward to shedding 100 pounds to be the second-best looking girl at your wedding. (I'll let you be first because I'm such a nice person:p)