Sunday, September 24, 2006

Let them eat cake

We officially have the cake. We woke up early this morning and headed down to J's, where Jeremy promptly ate all the white icing off the sample pieces and I gorged myself on the cream cheese frosting. Mmm, frosting. Of course, i was a little caked out because of yesterday, and cake at 9 a.m. is smidge to early for me.

But, it didn't take long to get it all figured out. It will be like the picture I posted earlier with some tweaks. The bow on top won't stick up as much because there's going to be some cascading roses and calla lillies on it. The bow will also be champagne colored for contrast and it will have real icing, not fondant.

And Jeremy and I are discovering vendors like us because we know what we want and we don't take much time. The cake lady said she'll get people who have no clue what they want and it will take two hours to figure things out.

I'm just glad we weren't like the girl who was before us this morning. She had a HUGE binder with each page in a plastic protector and was going to have 400 guests. My binder has like three sheets in it and none of them are protected. Nor do I have anywhere near 400 guests. Personally, I like simple.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

They're done

I finished the save the dates tonight, and they look pretty good in my opinion. I tried to upload a picture of it, but it didn't show most of the stuff that's on them. So, now you'll just have to wait until you get yours in the mail:) With any luck, I'll get most of them out this week so be looking for a pretty enevelope!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Yum, yum and more yum

I had grand plans to go get the cake contract done and over with Saturday. And, of course, there were no meeting times for Saturday -- it was a slightly selfish plan because it meant more cake for me on my birthday:) Anyway, I did get an appointment for Sunday ....... at 9 a.m. But, with any luck we will have a baker that will make us the one cake flavor Jeremy likes (so the groom's cake will actually be mine because I have a feeling I am going to need chocolate that day). And I will also get plenty of cake this weekend:)

Also, the rehearsal dinner will no longer be at McGuires:( They are not cool and don't like Friday/Saturday reservations. But, it will probably be at Hemingways, which has some nummy, nummy food too.

And now I've made myself hungry so I need to go find something that isn't chocolate frosting.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


So, it became official last night -- I have a photographer again.

I gave my deposit to Salter Photography, and we're going with the son. The galleries on their Web site do not do their full portfolio justice.

But honestly, I'm just happy to have a photographer again.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Hopefully third time's a charm

OK. So I said I had a new photog.

I lied.

Well, not really. She had talked to other people weeks ago about April 14 (seriously people, don't get married on MY day. MY day. And that's as Bridezilla as I will get) but never got a contract back with a deposit. So ... of course, she leaves for a day and gets a contract with payment back today, putting me without a photog again.

But, there is a bright side to this. Rae's doing an engagement sitting for me still. And now, I get a bridal protrait setting from Patsy with a 16x20 of yours truly all decked out in fluffy white dress. And, that's not all folks. After the boy and I get back from the honeymoon, Rae AND Patsy are giving us a shoot (in our wedding garb, which means I need to be EXTRA careful not to spill anything on myself) at the beach:)

So, seriously, if you are in the Pensacola area and need a photog, go with one of these LOVELY ladies. They have gone so far above what they needed to do, it almost makes me cry when I think about it. They've treated me so much more than a client -- and I never even signed a contract or met Patsy.

And, it does look like I have one lined up. I'm meeting with them on Monday (with checkbook in tow), but I'm not writing anything specific because I'm not jinxing it. So check back Monday night or Tuesday to find out.

And, I'm keeping Rae's and Patsy's links up on the right because they are shooting us for one aspect or another of the wedding.

I just never thought I'd have three photographers for anything.

I feel like a star (a slightly stressed star, but a star nonetheless).

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I forgot to mention that there's been a slight change to the bridesmaids' dresses.

I was puttering around online last night and found out that they now offer them in the same champagne as my sash. So, there's been a color switch to the champagne because I'm pretty sure none of them have gotten theirs yet. And even if they have, we'll just have one in a special color:)

Oh, and I also forgot to mention in my previous two posts that Rae really was a great sport and such a sweetie during my mini-crisis. I highly recommend her to anyone in the Pensacola area!

Wee hoo

So, it appears I was only without a photog for a day. :)

The photog who trained Rae had also been one of my top choices but was booked and had recommened Rae while I was in the midst of talking to her. But, she actually got a cancellation for my day, so she's now mine:)

I have an appointment to make things official with her Monday, and I'm very excited. Her Web site is:

Granted, I'm still a bit bummed because I don't get Rae, but at least I get her for my engagement photos and I am getting a photog that has the same style.

So things are going well again. And I'm not stressed:)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Sadness in the midst of joy

I lost my photographer today.

She called me to let me know that she is supposed to have a baby the day before my wedding. So, I'm very excited for her (she's been on fertility drugs for the past three years, so this is very good news for her), but I'm bummed because I was really excited to have her take photos of the big day.

But, she is going out of her way to help me find someone else. There might even be a chance (if I can't find anyone else) that her husband (who takes photos with her now anyway) will be taking the photos.

And -- she's still taking our engagement photos in October, and she's also offered to take any bridals I want (which I wasn't planning on, but now if it means I get her to take photos of me, I might do them) and anything else I want photographed.

So, stay tuned. With any luck, I'll have this figured out by the end of the week.

Friday, September 01, 2006

A little bit of this, a little bit of that

The laptop is back up, which means I once again have complete access to all my wedding planning stuff -- which could mean I might get things accomplished. Or not ...

But, I do have most of the stuff for the centerpieces. The boxes are now sitting in what has become the "wedding closet," which Jeremy isn't allowed into since my dress is in there. And, I now have ALL my paper products. Well, except for the paper for the programs, but that just means a trip to a store to get a ream of some off-white paper (yes, Lois, I'm totally stealing your program idea for them:))

Having the laptop back means I also have the Save The Date file back, so that design just might get finished soon. Of course, I also have to convince the boy to do the wedding info site. Or, I might just go with an easy one and then have him revamp it later because he decides its not up to his standards.

Anyway, here is the link to a bio of a recent bride with my dress that even has the champagne sash. Of course, she opted to use the free white sash for the ceremony and the colored one for the reception. I'm not doing that. That's too much work.

And, if you want to see more photos of the church on the inside, go to and then click on "view proofs." Go to Sarah & Steven 8-5 wedding, and in the midst of those photos is the church.