Sunday, September 24, 2006

Let them eat cake

We officially have the cake. We woke up early this morning and headed down to J's, where Jeremy promptly ate all the white icing off the sample pieces and I gorged myself on the cream cheese frosting. Mmm, frosting. Of course, i was a little caked out because of yesterday, and cake at 9 a.m. is smidge to early for me.

But, it didn't take long to get it all figured out. It will be like the picture I posted earlier with some tweaks. The bow on top won't stick up as much because there's going to be some cascading roses and calla lillies on it. The bow will also be champagne colored for contrast and it will have real icing, not fondant.

And Jeremy and I are discovering vendors like us because we know what we want and we don't take much time. The cake lady said she'll get people who have no clue what they want and it will take two hours to figure things out.

I'm just glad we weren't like the girl who was before us this morning. She had a HUGE binder with each page in a plastic protector and was going to have 400 guests. My binder has like three sheets in it and none of them are protected. Nor do I have anywhere near 400 guests. Personally, I like simple.

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