Friday, September 08, 2006

Hopefully third time's a charm

OK. So I said I had a new photog.

I lied.

Well, not really. She had talked to other people weeks ago about April 14 (seriously people, don't get married on MY day. MY day. And that's as Bridezilla as I will get) but never got a contract back with a deposit. So ... of course, she leaves for a day and gets a contract with payment back today, putting me without a photog again.

But, there is a bright side to this. Rae's doing an engagement sitting for me still. And now, I get a bridal protrait setting from Patsy with a 16x20 of yours truly all decked out in fluffy white dress. And, that's not all folks. After the boy and I get back from the honeymoon, Rae AND Patsy are giving us a shoot (in our wedding garb, which means I need to be EXTRA careful not to spill anything on myself) at the beach:)

So, seriously, if you are in the Pensacola area and need a photog, go with one of these LOVELY ladies. They have gone so far above what they needed to do, it almost makes me cry when I think about it. They've treated me so much more than a client -- and I never even signed a contract or met Patsy.

And, it does look like I have one lined up. I'm meeting with them on Monday (with checkbook in tow), but I'm not writing anything specific because I'm not jinxing it. So check back Monday night or Tuesday to find out.

And, I'm keeping Rae's and Patsy's links up on the right because they are shooting us for one aspect or another of the wedding.

I just never thought I'd have three photographers for anything.

I feel like a star (a slightly stressed star, but a star nonetheless).

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