Tuesday, July 06, 2010


A little more than a month ago, we took a weekend trip to Chicago. Neither of us had been, so we decided it was a good, quick getaway (which is sad considering I grew up 7 hours away and a decent number of people I went to college with were from Chicago. Instead in college, I took the day road trip to Texas - I'm not kidding).

True to our typical form, we hit the ground running (we have yet to plan a relaxing vacation; we're not good at just sitting all day). So, after the giddiness of realizing that we were staying at the hotel the NHL was using as its HQ for the Stanley Cup in Chicago, we decided it was time to eat. Right next door to us was Miller's Pub, which is apparently a famous spot (these are things we did not research).

After running back to the room to get a sweatshirt, we went on a walking tour to see the sites from Ferris Bueller.

I check out the map and realize how much walking we're going to be doing.

I managed to not have a panic attack on the Skydeck. I think this was because I was so excited to see the Adventures in Babysitting building.

The Chicago Board of Trade is a pretty cool building.

It's a flamingo.

The hotel.

I managed to get blisters after this walking expedition, but that didn't slow us down for the rest of the weekend.

We started off the day walking on Saturday. We tried to get to the Shedd Aquarium, but the wait for tickets to just get in was 2 hours. We were going to the Cubs game that afternoon, so that wasn't going to work. Instead, we tootled around on the lakeshore, and we went to the Field Museum instead. Neither of us were that impressed by it.

It's Soldier Field. And me with way too bright hair.

The Bean.

the closest I got to any Chicago Bulls.

The town had gone Blackhawks nutty. These are the lions out in front of the art institute (where I was happier than a pig in poo because they had many Monets).

I may have jumped up and down when I saw this. it was a gift from Paris, and I may have declared that it was time to move there.

Wrigley - unfortunately the White Socks weren't playing in town that weekend, otherwise we would have gone to both parks.


On Sunday, we took it a bit easier. We managed to get into Shedd, puttered around the art institute, and then meandered around Navy Pier while waiting to go see Taming of The Shrew.

We had a good time, but my feet were ready for a break when we got back.

I represent and show my Iowa pride wherever I go.


  1. What does the bottom half of your Iowa shirt say? It looks cute!

  2. Iowa: The California of the United States.

    I got it at Raygun, that store in the East Village. They have a lot of cute, fun Iowa shirts. Jeremy has a lot; his favorite is Des Moines: Hell Yes.
    My favorite is "The prettiest girls live in Des Moines. - Jack Kerouac.:)

  3. love this post, love your pics, and LOVE the Adventures in Babysitting building! awesome.
