Monday, July 12, 2010


One of the fantastic things about moving back to Iowa has been getting to spend time with the kiddos. Even though they're my cousin's kids, they've always called Jeremy and I uncle and aunt, and we may be guilty of spoiling them a bit. We try to go to at least one of their games and some of their events. I also have made sure that they get a "fun day with Aunt Beth" during their vacations(I may use these as an excuse to get to do kid things that I want to do but not look like a weirdo. For example, it's how I went to the Floppy* documentary; I conned Em into going with me and relived a great childhood show. This is also how I'm going to go see Romana and Beezus later this summer.

But, since the end of May, the kids have kept us busy with all of their events (OK, it slowed down after June - but there were a few busy weeks). We got to see Em and Taylor at their dance recital. I enjoyed it more because a lot of the kids I had at Waukee were in it. Jeremy admits he snoozed a bit during it.

We had Parker's little league game. He's improved a lot since last year when he hopped up and down on third base yelling "Aunt Beth, Aunt Beth! Look! Look!" He even did this while a ball rolled right past him (the unobservant part is apparently a family trait). He's become very serious about it, and he's informed me his favorite position is catcher.
 Look at that concentration. 

He really is a peaceful kiddo (as well as absolutely adorable).

 Clark, on the other hand, is a hellion. He managed to run onto the field
as well as yell "diarrhea" across it. Spitfire doesn't even begin to describe him.

Em's our little soccer player. Uncle Jeremy has informed me I'm not allowed to tell her how to play dirty. I do think she needs to learn how to celebrate goals though.
Em, center, looks pretty serious (and looks a lot like a young Aunt Beth).

 "No, no, Jeremy!" is Sam's favorite phrase. And that's always good for laughs.

 Okay, so they ALL might be a little hellionish.
I have NO idea where they'd get that from:)

So far, I've only done one Aunt Beth day with Parker. I scored us some great seats at an ICubs game, right to the right of first base. Parker even got a foul ball that some older gentleman was nice enough to make sure the player gave it to the kid. He was thrilled.
 He was so excited to be that close to the field. I may be biased,
but he's the cutest kid in the world!

I did take all 3 kids to see Toy Story 3 the other day. I even braved 3D for them, and we were "cheaters" as Em said and snuck in our goodies. That seemed to be very exciting for them. After the movie, we met Uncle Jeremy at the park for dinner. They played tag while I documented the entire thing. Parker was so excited that Jeremy was chasing him, he ran by me laughing hysterically. You can't help but be happy with moments like those.

*For you non-Central Iowans, the Floppy showed aired after the noon news from the 50s to the late 80s, when it changed to a Saturday afternoon show. Floppy was a beagle in a box, and there were corny cartoons and jokes on the show. One of my childhood favorites, and yes, that is how my beagle Floppy got his name.

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